
Posts Tagged ‘Boundaries’

While there are many lessons we can learn from our pets, the one I am reminded of today by my awesome toy poodle is…  When people, life, work or whatever starts to get on your last nerve, remember to get up, shake it off and move forward!  (In her case, it’s get up, shake it off and ask for a treat, but our situation may be a little different!)


Tip #361

Keep moving forward!  Shake off the stress, anger, depression or whatever may be bogging you down today!


No really…try it!  Stand up and shake off like you’re just trying to dry off from a shower without a towel!  🙂  LOL !  It may help!

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As of late, I’ve been putting in lots of focus on the ending of a year and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives…today is no different!   🙂    Part of the transition may include letting go of something/someone that may have been holding you back in 2012.  It’s a lot easier and simpler to move into the new year if you have less baggage to carry!  Time for some closure!


Stuffed baggage

Tip #360

What is one thing – person, feeling, action, etc. – that has held you back in any way in 2012?  What are you going to do to help you let go and move forward starting tomorrow?

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Ever been around someone who just somehow seems to get on your very last nerve?  Whether it’s because they like to hear themselves talk and seem to always think they are right or because they don’t do their share of the work or maybe even because they are just not kind to the people around them and you get to observe it on a regular basis…

Tip #348

Even though it’s very tempting to react when the behavior of others seems almost unbearable, it can be a wise choice to just grin and bear it for a bit.  Choosing if and when to say anything can be difficult, so before you speak out, re-evaluate your intent and hopeful outcome.  The old saying… “think before you speak” would come in handy at this point!  🙂

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Enjoying everyday is a wonderful thing!  Enjoying Fridays…even more wonderful!


Tip #341

Prepare to enjoy your weekend!  That is your tip for the day!  Super simple!


Don’t work all weekend…don’t clean all weekend…and you don’t have to be productive all weekend long!  Break time!


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When you are trying to agree upon a compromise with a partner, friend, spouse or co-worker, the art of negotiation is priceless!  Well…when you combine it with listening, understanding, expressing and respecting, that is!  It is almost impossible to have true compromise without all of these factors being present.

My question for the day – Do we always have to negotiate everything???  Why is it that one cannot just say what is wanted or needed and then it just be agreed upon?  Is it because one person always feel like they have to have the last word or the upper hand…somehow be in control of every situation?

I am one of those folks who rarely dicker on prices (as the shopper) if I go to garage sales.  That’s because when I have a garage sale, generally, I put the price I’d actually like for someone to pay on the price tag.  Weird!  (It’s that whole honesty thing that I like to hope pays off in the long run!)

Another good example of this is if you have the task of approving or editing someone’s work, whether it is graphic or written correspondence or proofing a paper, unless something is just wrong grammatically, allow the other person the freedom to design or write without red-penning it!  Just because it’s not exactly how we would do it, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong…it’s just different.

Wouldn’t life just be so much easier if we could ask for something or propose something and we get a yes or no answer instead of the back and forth and back and forth sometimes associated with negotiations?

Negotiating Circle

Negotiating Circle

Tip #340

One time this week…at least…  If you would like something, state it honestly.  If someone else asks for something, respond with a simple yes (or no).  Check your motives for asking or not asking and stop yourself to ask “why” if you start feeling the urge to negotiate.

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Whether you are walking in your home or leaving to go do what you need to do, the space that is considered your entryway plays a huge role in how cluttered or de-cluttered your home can be.

If you walk in the door and just throw your mail, your bags or any other things you may be carrying in that area, you are setting yourself up for an organizational nightmare!  On the flip side, if you use that space wisely, you can have a functional area that can help you be more organized and remove STUFF from your home on a regular basis!

What are the essential parts of a functional entryway?  These are some ideas…you will need to adjust to fit your lifestyle…

  • A place for your keys
  • A place for your outgoing mail  (deal with your incoming mail as you receive it! don’t let it pile up)
  • A place for your briefcase, purse or pocket stuff that you will need to work with daily
  • A place for your shoes
  • A place for items that need to be taken for donation/recycling or selling


Tip #336

What does your current entryway look like?  Come up with a vision of what you would want your entryway to look like and what areas YOU would need to make it functional and practical for you.

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Tip #332

At work, no matter the circumstance, conduct yourself in a professional manner.


This will help you maintain your self-respect, help others gain respect for you and set a good example for those around you.  If you need to take a minute to gain composure, do it.  Don’t jeopardize your reputation and the reputation of your employer for a bout of venting.  It’s not worth it!  You never know who will be observing or who you will want to network with for future opportunities.

If you feel you can trust someone at work or outside of work to vent to…that can be a healthy outlet.  However, if you are at work, you are at work.  Leave your anger, frustration or other baggage at the door.

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I’m sure someone somewhere has had similar feelings about relationships along the way…  There are people who try to hard to be in a relationship; there are people who try too hard to be out of a relationship.  And there are others who are just content with whatever they have or have worked out.  Where do you fall in this category?

Re-evaluate your whos, whys and how quicklys…as well as the pros and cons of being in relationships.


Tip #326

It’s never too late to re-evaluate!  Know what you want, to what extent you want it and to what degree another person may be able to provide it.

Know that single or with partner…either way is a good thing!  Enjoy what you have !  Ask for help if you need it!

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There are so many opportunities to do things — whether it’s volunteering, taking on additional work shifts, helping out a family member or friend, making treats for your kid’s classmates, buying gifts…and you could probably add another 5 to the list just off the top of your head!

The thing is, we need to know our limits – not over commit!  Commit some, yes!  Commit too much and you risk being over-tired and under-performing!

Some sure signs that you may be over committing include:  turning in assignments late, being cranky or resentful about doing something you’ve agreed to do, feeling like you are always running from place to place and possibly even always feeling exhausted!  Even if you are doing something for a great cause, sometimes, you may need to take a break just to re-energize!


Tip #325

Know your limits and remember it’s ok to say “no”!

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How many times have you heard people say “I don’t care” as a response to a question?

In my experience, “the I don’t care” syndrome happens more with the teen population, but it does still happen frequently with adults as well.  It may be because someone really has a ton of flexibility with what they do, feel, believe or want, however, it could also be because they are afraid to make the wrong choice.   The desire to make the “perfect” choice can be paralyzing for some…to the degree the it is much more acceptable to have someone else make all the decisions.  It can be a matter of confidence or a matter of boundaries, not wanting to disappoint someone else or have a confrontation…

Tip #320

Before you say “I don’t care” to answer someone’s question…think twice!  Why don’t you care?  …if you find you do care, allow yourself to have an opinion and express it!

If you have family or friends who do the “I don’t care” frequently, try to encourage them to develop their own opinions. You will be amazed at how this small step will begin to build one’s self-confidence!

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